Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How To Erase Programs Dvr Direct Tv


lactose intolerance

Lapar (o) -

syllable, meaning "belly"






solitary liver carcinoma


DHS Conflict content: Starvation conflict, existence of conflict

example starve extreme (unexpected) lack of money, but also conflict with a cancer

ca-phase: Typical round, in the CT appear to be darker so-called "solitary nodules" . Often come at the same "of international conflict" intestinal Ca, liver and pancreas-Ca-Ca at the same time before pcl-phase The healing can be accomplished in several ways: 1 Encapsulation (for the lost parenchyma can grow new liver tissue)

second caseating degradation. eg tuberculosis: Liver TB. One type of liver cirrhosis is the connective tissue healed form of liver tuberculosis with compressed liver caverns. The other kind of see in intrahepatic Gallengangsulcera, and hepatitis

cotyledon: endoderm

table: 19 Ga re

HH in the brain: the right lateral pons

( Source:

liver congestion

Liver TB

One possible form of the healing phase of the liver-specimen-carcinoma

liver cirrhosis

One possible form of the healing phase of a liver-specimen-carcinoma




The leukemia is the healing phase of SWE, the pcl phase of a so-called bone cancer. Leukemia may make severe brain symptoms (edema of the large HH), so please go to security in NM-therapeutic treatment.

DHS Conflict Contents: SWE, see also below their respective assignments, such as knee, back etc.


ca-phase: osteolysis in this area, anemia

pcl-phase edema and stretching of the skin, bone, pain, recalcification, leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis (arthritis SM = often)

The recalcification corresponds to the SM - diagnosis: osteo-sarcoma

cotyledon: mesoderm

table: re 7 Ob, 7 Ob li See

also: SWE

Leuk (o) -

syllable, meaning "white"


White River


See: conjunctivitis


See: conjunctivitis


See: Star, gray

Lip (o ) -

syllable, meaning "fat"


DHS Conflict Contents: easier self-devaluation

Ex: woman her thighs felt to be too thick

ca-phase: fat necrosis

pcl-phase lipoma and reconstruction of the fatty tissue

In addition, active kidney collecting duct conflict: Cellulite (hanging healing)

cotyledon: New mesoderm

table: re 2 Ob, 2 Ob li


Compulsive fluency

See: constellation mythomane / Mythodepressive

pulmonary embolism

See: cervical and oral cancer, heart attack


Medical history of lung cancer

See: bronchial cancer, bronchitis, asthma

For Delimitation: lung cancer, bronchial goblet cells of the bronchi

lung cancer

DHS Conflict Contents: agony conflict

example diagnosis of a "deadly disease" by a doctor

ca-phase: lung tumors and lung nodules

pcl-phase : caseation by mycobacteria, if not available encapsulation

cotyledon : endoderm

table: 15 Ga re

See also: bronchial goblet cells of the bronchi, Bronchial


Lupus erythemathodes

DHS Conflict Contents: skin affected = separation conflict or Besudelungskonflikt; affected hip = SWE, "something not able to stand"; other organs = see these if necessary. equivalent.

It is each to their own specific conflicts!


example wife separation conflict because she is afraid her husband would leave her, because he flirts with other women or even a stranger is. Or they feel by him as "rags" devalued, as they get "only the dirt thrown in his face" (skin on). Teacher is afraid of being attacked in an unpleasant conversation with parents of these, and the fear that they will therefore not give up her conviction can stand, but knuckle (on hip, can not get through something) is.


pcl-phase: on face: the lupus-bumps, then red, swollen rash on hip: Pain in the hip joints

cotyledon: The body and affected by conflict. Different. See also germ layers. See also: face eczema, hip complaints

Lupus erythemathodes

See: Lupus


dislocation, Auskugelung a joint


Left ventricular hypertrophy



lymph node swelling

DHS Conflict Contents: slight , localized SWE


ca Phase: enlarged tonsils rugged

pcl-phase lymph node swelling with filling of necrosis,


table: re 9 Ob, 9 Ob li


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