While we in the West, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is gaining in popularity, trust the Chinese makes increasing the blessings of Western medicine. Nevertheless, TCM is mainly among the older generation still propagated quite popular, according to it is taught as a subject of well-known universities. Every Wednesday 18-20 clock also stops by Professor Li Yuhang Guo Zhong Zhong Yi Yao Da Xue (University of TCM, is part of the famous Beijing University) and his assistant, Yang Hong hours for the Beijing citizens. Included are always some of his students, taking notes diligently, which diagnosed the professor and what medications he prescribes. Professor Li is apparently known among other things, a specialist in blood-pressure problems and which increasingly also in Chinese on (one of the dark side of rapid economic development and the associated stress).
Visiting Professor Li begins for us with a nearly hour-long trip to the near Sanyuan Bridge on the third ring situated polyclinic. At 15 yuan, about Fri 2.35, you pay first visit to this doctor, it usually begins the long wait, yesterday, for example, almost two hours. The people endure this waiting, with admirable patience, many use this time to stop and talk with others to bring snacks and drinks. Privacy and confidentiality, as we know it in doctors' offices and hospitals, is completely unknown here. The surgery Prof. Li is always open, there is no door to
adjacent waiting room (which is of course a TV and see the Olympic broadcasts are). By a thin, partially open partition can be noticed well, come what problems the patient to Prof. Li. In a TCM consultation is a feeling in the truest sense of the word on the pulse and also is also the state and especially the color of the tongue looked at closely. Above all, however, asked a lot of interest, including the consistency and frequency of various bodily secretions. In the end, a prescription issued for a generally very bitter "magic potion" is to take twice daily. Hardcore-TCM patients with a lot of time to cook their medicine at home in a purpose-made pot itself. This is obviously quite complicated and takes up to two hours.
We can mix this medicine in a pharmacy and cook, then we get the filled in portions Medicine wrapped in plastic, which we then only have to heat up later in a water bath. For me as a (western) is much lay around TCM strange and difficult to understand. The fact is that my blood pressure has stabilized at a lower level. Professor Li, who knows the list of my Western medicine provides this treatment as a supplement. He is also very careful with his recipes, which he prescribes for more than one week. A visit to a TCM doctor in the country of origin is definitely very interesting.
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