Monday, July 3, 2006
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child prostitution
UNICEF is shaped today by about 2 million child prostitutes. In this case, the demand for ever younger girls and boys. Thus, the Average age of onset in India has fallen from 15 to 12. This is also linked with the worldwide spread of AIDS: it is believed that the younger a child is, the less likely it is that there are already HIV-positive. Especially in Southeast Asia you can see the trend that more and more children are being sold against their will in brothels. In the major urban centers like Bombay, Karachi or Bangkok booming economy and falling due to higher living standards of the population local supply of Prostituierten.Menschenhändler have now discovered a lucrative business by selling children from poorer areas and in most cases even other countries (like Cambodia, Burma, Nepal and Laos) to pimps in the large cities. They usually attract the young girls under promises of well-paid jobs, such as in restaurants or laundries, or pay a small loan from his parents. Many of the girls are illiterate, have no knowledge of the legal situation of each country and not even speak the language. This makes it impossible for them to resist the degrading working conditions. Because most are in the country illegally and have no papers, may they never leave the brothel because otherwise they run the risk of being arrested. The hygienic conditions in the brothels are often catastrophic and the girls are educated about sexual diseases. Defend yourself once against inhuman customer requests, they will be punished and beaten by her pimp. Even once they are released from their imprisonment, the emotional wounds will probably never heal. On returning to their homes, they often meet with incomprehension and discrimination. The number of child prostitutes but still does today, but there are some encouraging signs. Nearly twenty countries have developed action plans to eliminate child prostitution, often in collaboration with local NGOs. Many more have already passed laws against the prostitution of minors and human trafficking.
leaflet (PDF file 134 kB) against child prostitution of ECPAT Germany
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children in the drug trade in Rio de Janeiro
In Rio the Janeiro, with the Latin America's second largest slum settlements, makes it often for children more sense to deal in drugs but to go to school. The poor slum kids see it as the only way to earn enough money. For years, they are neglected by the government, are daily subjected to police brutality and use by society as inferior angesehen.Die drug lords very aware of the lack of self-consciousness and the child's adventure from the minors when they recruit them for drug trafficking. "For the girl embodies the gangster attractiveness, beauty, desirable , even an ideal of life. Up here it's exciting, cool, a real, real adventure! " describes a 14-year-old boy Bandit his experience. To the fact that he is likely to do his eighteenth birthday, never thinking he probably just nicht.Dabei the children have to fear violence from both sides: their boss, they set out Rates do not meet and the police if she is caught werden.Erschreckend that the average age of the children that go into the drug trade, has fallen within the last 10 years from 16 to 13. Initially, they were often used by drug lords, because they were less suspicious and they were sentenced to a milder Stafmaß. By now, but experienced police officers to report that the probability of being shot during a shooting of a child who is almost as big as a Erwachsenen.Die government shall attempt to establish enough schools for the minor from the slums. However, their level remains well below that of unaffordable private schools back so that they later have no prospect of getting a university place or a well paid job. Again and again one encounters the same opinion: "Why should I go to school for years, if not bring me the later professional or financial benefit?"
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As in other agricultural areas, is also in the tobacco industry, the child labor issue. There is for example in Brazil, India, Malawi and Zimbabwe reports of exploitative employment of Kindern.Anstatt in school reading, arithmetic, writing to learn and behave in their leisure time as a child to be able, many children have to work hard on tobacco fields. Primarily working in the agricultural sector is extremely dangerous for children. Youth tobacco pickers suffer more often from the so-called Green-tobacco sickness. Symptoms such as dizziness, nausea and skin irritation are typical. The disease can occur when skin comes into contact with wet tobacco leaves and with the emerging nicotine comes into contact. Children in particular are therefore at risk because their young bodies are still not enough defenses besitzt.Die tobacco plants are often sprayed with poisonous pesticides to combat pests. Contact with These substances can also cause serious health consequences, as people usually can not afford protective clothing. This will also connect children to tobacco fields in direct contact with chemical weed exterminators. System as there is a direct health threat. In addition to these negative health effects of the labor of children is being exploited cheap. Although children must provide the same work as adults, they usually get for only half of normal earnings. Interesting Links
said: site with critical links to the tobacco "incense" - The deadly strategies of the tobacco multinationals - Paper on tobacco industry in Africa cigarette manufacturer Philip Morris on child labor in tobacco growing foundation of the tobacco industry against child labor (in English)
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minors debt slaves in the silk production in India
The Karnataka region located in the southwest of India provides 90% of the silk production in the country. Even if the number of children forced to work at the age of 5-14 years 1981-1991 slightly from 1.131 million fell to 976 000, is ubiquitous to them the cruel life: So slave children often debt slaves under threat of violence and exercise for hours seven days a week in dark, airless factories represented by the deafening noise of the machines and the toxic fumes a high health risk. The dead worms in the silk production elicit infections and children suffering from burns, blisters and cracks on the hands. Labor protection does not exist in practice. The daily wage covers the first six months of employment such as the price of the bus ride to Fabrik.Ausländische companies have become aware of the problem, and in 1986 was part of the Indian government issued a ban on child labor and increased enforcement in export business made. But these are easily circumvented by delegating work to suppliers, are not subject to control annoying. Also added is an inadequate state law enforcement practice and a degree of impunity by various Gesetzeslücken.Das is certainly that, until now the problem is played down and the Indian government claims to have observed no exploitative child labor. The opposite is the case, however: With 70-80 million young Indian women and Indians dominated by strong contrasts of this country has the world's highest rate of child labor.
Sources: Action for World Solidarity: Child labor in India ORF - Austrian Radio: Child labor in India UNDP - children and poverty: Working Children in Karnataka Excerpts from the Karnataka State Human Development Report, 1999 Small change in bonded labor Human Rights Watch finds dog hundreds of thousands of children working as virtual slaves in India's silk industry. and calls on the government to enforce the laws. (more ...)
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About 80 percent of toys sold in Germany are produced in China - under the most inhumane conditions and tight deadlines. So that products can meet the latest trends, maintain the companies from America and Europe namely to the end with the awarding of contracts. In this area there are very many child workers: they accept the long hours and low pay, which would never reach an adult to life. You accept the inhumane shelter, heat, dust and toxic fumes. It is not uncommon in those factories in an accident, appropriate safety precautions are missing, in fires, there are many victims who see few of them in Europe, through Beachtung.Vor a case for some time, stir in the media, is indicative of the whole problem: In a toy factory in southern China Shenzhen should have packed the 400 children aged 13-16 years, toys, what is an American fast-food chain determined according to eye witnesses war.Die children had 16 hours in seven days work a week and only had two days off per month. The children were apparently for their work only the equivalent of around 2.50 € a day and had for food and accommodation per month 25 € bezahlen.Der Fast-food company refers to strict internal guidelines on child labor. The suppliers know this, however, circumvent, by favoring children who look older than they are. Many children - especially in poorer regions of China - to fool with borrowed or forged papers before higher age to find a job and relieve their families economically. It was known that were each packed together about 15 children in only 30 square meters small room and told by the management got to say, during an inspection of the factory, they worked only eight hours a day. "Made in China" is equated mostly with exploitative working conditions and child labor. Many toy companies like Mattel (brands such as Barbie, Matchbox, Fisher Price, Hot Wheels, etc.), Disney and Hasbro (brands such as MB, Parker, Playskool, Star Wars, Monopoly and many others) produce there. Mattel and Hasbro want to buy from suppliers in 2006, only certified under the Code of the International Council of Toy Industries (ICTI) sind.1996 NBC has a research revealed that in Indonesia 13 years Top girl dresses for Barbie dolls, sew in night shifts and at the lowest wages. Would they want to buy even a single plastic doll, she would have to work for two years.
sources and further information:
Action "plays fair. Fair rules in the toy industry, "
The Code of the World Association of Toy Industries
company overview on the status of implementation the Code of the World Association of Toy Industries (ICTI) at suppliers German toy manufacturer
article "Mc Donald's and children"
article "The Secret Life of Toys" htm (in english)
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shrimp cocktail at the expense of children and the environment
A third of the shrimp consumed worldwide comes from industrial farms. First, they cause an enormous environmental impact, because it destroys natural mangrove forests, and pesticides and antibiotics into the sea, which then in the food chain and finally accumulate in the human body. Second, they mainly deal with children who will serve as a cheap and docile labor werden.Als serve as Cambodia - one of the poorest countries in the world: Sort of a breeding farm, the children clean the shrimp, and free them from the skins, giving them their smaller fingers is easier than adults - so at least the reasoning on the part of owners. The work will be paid according to weight, with the children for a pound of peeled shrimp earn 200 riel, or 50 percent of the wage of an Erwachsenen.Die children work up to 14 hours, they often get cuts or eczema. Since the whole day in the salt water, are swollen hands and feet at. The children go to any school.
A 14-year-old girl said: "My parents are fishermen I work in the farm, because we have at home is not enough food for my three younger siblings who do not work in the month I earn about $ 40 I often cut my... in the fingers and my hands swell. " Interesting Links
said: ThinkShrimp! - The environmental and social impacts of shrimp production

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natural stone / grave stones
More and more natural stones, especially granite stones that come by sea from Asia to us. They are used to pave some to build houses, to dress facades. About two-thirds of all grave stones in Germany come from India. In addition to low transport costs makes especially the work of children's hands rentabel.Eigentlich this business is the work in quarries for children under 16 years allowed under Indian law. Therefore, most children are working illegally, often even the whole family lives in debt bondage . Once in debt, it never comes out of the addiction, parents and children work twelve hours a day for a very meager Lebensunterhalt.Die work in the quarries is extremely dangerous: it leads to injuries due to falls, rocks, stones and splintering the unprotected use of impact tools. Accidents in the use of explosives on the agenda. In addition, the stone dust causes chronic Lungenkrankheiten.Unabhängige checks whether the stones have been produced using child labor, there is probably down. Still seeking some relief, as Misereor in collaboration with dedicated stonemason for a control seal, similar to the Rugmark for carpets.
More information: "grave stones from children's hand" - Newspaper article in the taz, 20.9.2003
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child labor on plantations in Brazil Orange
orange juice is one of the most popular fruit juice drinks in Germany. But when one considers the conditions under which children work hard on the huge orange groves, one of the pleasure but can pass quickly. In Brazil, where concerns of Germany 90 percent of orange juice, more than one-quarter of the orange pickers are minors. Besides the fact that they are cheaper and more docile, they will therefore like to set as they can climb easily with their low body weight on the orange shrubs. In general, they toil around 14 hours a day and is compounded by the long journeys - they often have to walk before work several kilometers on foot. They are paid by quantity picked, with a fast picker can fill about 100 boxes a day. The children often have to drag the up to 26-pound boxes and loaded (some children who have thus added together about two tons a day). Not a few damaging her back here permanently. But because the work is seasonal work in the orange groves, toil, most especially from so that the money is enough for the entire year. There is often also in injury and illness cases. To get to the fruit, the children are usually on high, rickety ladders and hold then there are the heavy bags - are bone fractures not been excluded. The orange trees are thorny, and thereby caused injury ignite easily. In addition, Oranges before harvest treated several times with pesticides, so that the workers come to this while picking poisons in direct contact. Because of the plantation owners rarely take precautions provided for hand washing, the pesticides get to eat with unwashed hands directly into the body. Skin diseases, liver or kidney problems and mental defects are often the result.
Interesting Links said: Guaranteed free of exploitative child labor: orange juice with TransFair seal offer a variety of department stores and grocery stores now such products an.Wo I buy the orange juice you can find here .
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child labor in agriculture
When people think about child labor, they are mostly pictures of dark rooms and inhospitable roads in the head. In reality, however, more than two-thirds of all children employed in agriculture - be it as a cotton picker in Egypt, the banana plantations in Ecuador, at the tea harvest in Nepal, or as DEBTOR the cocoa crop in the Ivory Coast. The conditions under which they toil, are mostly the same. At the age of 10 years, they have been working up to 17 hours a day, burning under the sun. They are rarely sufficient by the employer Water made available and they are allowed only during the few breaks to drink. From Ecuador there are reports that workers had to drink from the sewers of the fields that were contaminated with pesticides and fertilizers. Some also try to drink as little as possible, as provided by the operators are no toilets available and they are ashamed before the others. Again and again it comes to injuries with the sharp blades that use the children at harvest. But most of all they suffer from the pesticides with which the fields are sprayed at regular intervals. Although many of these agents are known to be harmful to human health, the minors had to work on plantations, that have just been sprayed, or while the adjacent fields were sprayed. Much of then suffered from headaches, vomiting or diarrhea. Of the long-term consequences, such as cancer, sterility silent to mental damage or birth defects in offspring altogether. The children were informed about these episodes but not in any way - one of the girls said: "Pesticides Is this the medicine that they spray on the fields No, I have no idea?." It is also the daily routine that they are beaten by superiors when they talk to strangers about their activities, make mistakes or work too slowly. are especially girls from sexual assault of older workers are not sure. Their reward remains mostly back below the legal minimum wage and is also dependent on the amount picked.
more information on child labor in various agricultural products:
child labor in the orange groves of Brazil
minors debt slaves on the cocoa and coffee fields in West Africa
child labor makes our life sweeter - the situation on the sugar plantations of Brazil
Price for fashion - child labor in cotton fields information on the use of children in the food industry:
use of child labor in industrial shrimp breeding farms
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minors debt slaves on the cocoa and coffee fields in West Africa
children in the developed world love chocolate, but the children who toil in West Africa in the cocoa fields, neither know for what these beans are used, nor have they ever eaten chocolate. Like so many children who are employed in agriculture, they suffer from the terrible working conditions: the day the sun beats relentlessly down on them, they get back pain from hauling is with cocoa bean-filled bags and the use of harmful pesticides, their body by additionally Vomiting and fever geschwächt.Erschwerend is also the fact that some of them as debt slaves on the plantations toil without ever getting reward. Particularly in the Ivory Coast, number one in the cocoa production, the demand for such nearly free labor forces is high. Some traffickers make a fortune, sell children from even poorer neighboring countries like Togo and Benin to the plantation owners. They promise to the children or pay good wages to the parents a small loan, which work off the children. Some are also just under promises, such as "I'll make an international football star" lured away from home. In particular
from the Ivory Coast but also from other West African countries are serious allegations of child labor in a known and study commissioned by the international chocolate industry (pdf file 1.8 MB) been occupied. Source: International Institute of Tropical Agriculture -> Summary of Findings from the Child Labor Surveys in the Cocoa Sector of West Africa
A 16-year-old boy from Mali, who has made it one of the few flee.
"We slept on the floor of a hut made of mud and straw We were only allowed to leave work in the fields The hours were very hard, from sunrise to sunset. and sometimes, when the full moon was, even to ten clock in the evening. We were promised reward, but they said that we only pay back the cost of travel müssten.Ich me there had toiled for two years without ever having to get money. Children who refused to work, were beaten with the Motorgurt the tractor or burned with cigarettes. We got hardly anything to eat: two bananas for lunch, which we ate without interrupting the work, and a corn soup in the evening. Some children have collapsed from exhaustion. Those who were sick were taken away and we have never seen again. "
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gold mining

gold mining and child labor, gold is now mined mostly in large open pit mines. The rock must be blasted. Highly poisonous cyanide dissolves the gold tracks from the rock. When gold mining are destroying landscapes, environmental pollution and poisoning of people not the exception but the Andean countries of Latin America Regel.In many children work in the gold mines is unfortunately still commonplace. In Ecuador, about 2,000 children toil in such mines, under the worst conditions in order to create the precious metal to the surface. The situation is even worse in the mines of neighboring Peru: here are over 50,000 children to work in gold mines. Peru is the largest exporter of gold Continent: the million-sales back up about 30,000 Peruvian families a miserable survival - and a few gold companies large Reichtum.Die children working in gold mines is particularly dramatic because they are often in no more industrially operated mines. can thus perform the child's hand work in remote and insufficiently secured Stollen.In gold mines children look clean at the age of six small fragments of gold and, with ten years they have to carry large pieces of rock and smashed and just two years later they are working in the mines themselves and help prepare explosions. Particularly stressful and dangerous it is digging into the narrow Tunneln.Da these mines have poor working standards (hardly any technology, especially on long shifts and low wages), the children work hard without the use of machines. The air is stuffy, so that they can hardly breathe, and the fluid loss is enormous in the heat. There will be injuries on the sharp tools and, as most are barefoot, they pull themselves again on their feet on the stones and risk being bitten by snakes or scorpions. But it can also lead to death, if the minor explosions buried under the collapsing tunnels werden.Dies most children work despite the dangerous work without protective clothing because otherwise the required Could not maintain the pace of work more and be ridiculed by the others. By the inhalation of toxic fumes, it is only to harm to the institutions and to mental damage. They know more or less of these risks assessment, but as a 14-year-old boy said: "If you work in mining, we must accept the risks." It is believed that the life expectancy of a child who is employed in mining, is mindert.Hinzu by an average of 15 years the number of operators of the mines to pay the workers come from the amount of raw material found addictive. Especially with gold, this can vary greatly, and it also happens that for weeks nothing found is.
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Whether European Football Championship in Portugal in 2004 or 2006 World Cup in Germany, thousands of leather balls to the enthusiastic supporters of the Ladentisch.80 percent of all manufactured leather footballs come from the Pakistani city of Sialkot - whether cheap or brand. Compared with other employment options sewing soccer balls in the sporting goods industry is a relatively insecure and poorly paid work. The monthly income of an adult Näher is by far not an average family of 6-8 persons to . Feed Therefore, it is not surprising that sew together, especially women and children in the home office leather combs. These are needed 650 stitches, about two balls creates a child in ten hours of work and receives the equivalent of about 1 €.
Razia, aged 13, from Sialkot in PakistanOft I hurt the back and knees, because I must pinch the ball between his knees. Sometimes I have blisters on the hands and headaches. It's hard to go home and equal to sew, but we are poor and can only survive. I would like to attend a good school, but it's too expensive. Later I want to be a teacher "
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The price for fashion. - Child labor in cotton fields
child labor in the production of hybrid cotton seeds in India
child labor in the cotton fields of Egypt taz 25.10.2005: Happy harvest for Bayer profits report on child labor in the production of cotton seed for Bayer
child labor in the production of hybrid cotton seeds in India quality improvement and increased production in the Indian cotton industry, and thus the creation of new jobs in India - this apparently positive process was set at the start of production of hybrid cotton seeds in India in transition. Only apparently positive This development with regard to children employed in the production: in India, about 450,000 children work in these establishments. Hybrid seed produced by crossing two pure-bred, but of different cotton plants. The result of this crossing plants are hybrids, which are distinguished by their greater efficiency in comparison with natural cotton plants, as for example, more cotton fibers haben.Da these hybrids do not self-fertile, must be crossed each year anew plant. This crossing of the plants is a complicated and stupid activity that much time to complete: 90% of the total work involved depends on it. Most Time the children are so in the fields busy to remove the cover and petals and the anthers of cotton plants, and then to their own seeds of plants by foreign seeds ersetzen.Die children work in the cotton farm between 9 to 13 hours daily and are usually employed as debt slaves. Its merit is 18 rupees per day, equivalent to 0.42 euros. In addition to the crossing of the plants their work is to sow the seed and harvest. Since they have to work 7-8 months a year, they have no way to go to school. In fact, 60% of them only a few years have attended school, 30% were never even in school Ausbildung.Neben lack of education , the work also dramatic health effects: in the cotton plants are about 55% of all employed in India pesticides used (India is following the global trend: although the cotton production accounts for a total of only 3%, are there 20% of all pesticides used). These highly dangerous substances, the children take on, especially at the junction of the flowers, because they have to be very close to the plants. The toxins affect the nervous system of children, leading to symptoms such as headaches, disorientation or dizzy spells.
The role of transnational companies in seed production of responsibility for these conditions, would also have big corporations take over, which yields ultimately buy the farms: these companies in India can not settle its own production, as the Indian law prohibits large land holdings. Therefore they are dependent on cotton production in the small Indian farms. At these farms, they take no direct contact, but they are indirectly through intermediaries, so-called seed organizers, in conjunction with them. Control the large companies have won over the small farms, because they make them every year for crossing the required seeds are available, set the quality standards and inspection rates.

could What do the participating multinationals against child labor, the resulting dependence of the small production of the international companies but could be exploited also by companies in order to contribute to a reduction in child labor in Indian firms: If the company increased acceptance pay awards had to pay local producers the opportunity to higher wages for adult workers (0.62 € and 0.95 € for women for men) and on child labor verzichten.Außerdem could be secured by contracts that only such Cotton is purchased from producers who do not Children occupied.
What can consumers do? To the consumer is directed above all the Clean Clothes Campaign, which is committed to fair working conditions in the textile industry. On their website one can learn,
what to look for one do if one wants to buy fair trade clothes,
let that corporate clothing produced under unacceptable working conditions which respect
which companies to fair working conditions,
and shows how you can actively participate in the campaign.

child labor in the cotton fields of Egypt Each year over one million children aged between seven and twelve years for various Activities in the cotton fields of Egypt is committed. You can both harvest of cotton, as are also used in the Schädlingungbekämpfung. Cotton is grown in huge monocultures and therefore expresses vulnerable to pests. In the summer months, the children have to scan by hand, row by row, the cotton plant after a caterpillar, and the infected leaves entfernen.Die use of children is so popular because the shrubs are still small at this time, and adults in the would have to bend over all day. Nevertheless, the plants are still four times injection of the harvest, among other means, as most of the WHO werden.Man-hazardous assumes that each year approximately 28 000 deaths are caused by the cotton pickers from the use of pesticides. Children are vulnerable areas to a greater degree, because their bodies are breaking down harmful substances not yet fully formed and the recording is facilitated by their thin skin layers. Consequently, many suffer from chronic inflammation of the eye, kidney and liver problems or respiratory diseases.
This form of child labor is not free from violence - in the words of a ten year old boy: Our foreman is still relatively lenient with us ... If a child intentionally omits a perennial, it is beaten, but not when it accidentally mistake macht.Er orders stretch out his hands and strikes with his stick into it.
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BURKHARDT orange and banana juice
Where do the products and / or where it is produced?
oranges come from Spain and Brazil.
is the general policy regarding child labor? According to Managing
they can have assurances from their suppliers that no oranges are harvested by child labor.
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Bridgestone - Firestone
Where do the products and / or where it is produced?
is produced on the entire World. (A) Latex example, the raw material produced from natural rubber, is from Liberia. (B) Company stores are located primarily in North and South America but also in Europe and Africa. (C)
What is the general company policy regarding child labor?
There are corporate policies that respect and dignity in dealing with all people ask. The Code of Conduct is silent but child labor. (D) The Firestone Natural Rubber Company, the latex in Liberia harvests, has determined that no one set under 18. (E)
How To monitor compliance with the guidelines in the production? could
to internal or external controls No information found. (Waiting for response from the company)
Are there allegations of child labor?
In November 2005, 12 workers and 23 children from Liberia, together with the International Labour Rights Fund (ILRF) filed suit in California court. The allegations in the indictment are extensive and are aimed directly against the Firestone Natural Rubber Company. (F) The wage of 3.19 $ is too low to meet even the basic needs of a family. These additional deductions are for allegedly free schools, medical facilities and workers made accommodations. The state of these facilities was a catastrophe, the ILRF. A worker must daily the juice of about 650 trees harvested. In addition, the collector cleaned, cared for the trees and the resulting latex are carried to the collector. In two minutes per tree, the bark must be incised v-shaped, drain off the latex can, and 650 trees a day are the 1300 minutes. To meet this target, a single worker would have to work up to 21 hours. If it is not done, the reward will be reduced accordingly. (G) In order to achieve the goal, the workers take their children along for the plantation. These will receive no wages and have to work as hard as their parents. Also spray pesticides included in the activities, which caused permanent health damage. Firestone thereby encouraging even child labor. (H)
How has the company responded to the allegations?
Firestone denies the allegations. "The allegations of the ILRF are outrageous. They are simply not to prove with facts. There is more speculation on headlines than targeted to justice," the company said in a statement on front page africa. (I) In addition, further emphasizes that no one under 18 years is set to plantation work and the parents can bring their children to work. (j) adds that the workers and workers unionized. (k)
Committed to the company Prominent in the social field?
Bridgestone Firestone promotes various projects at the respective locations, especially in the U.S., as one experiences on the website of the company. The range is broad, ranging from soap box race to information campaigns about AIDS. (L) projects against child labor, however, are not included.
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Benetton clothing
Where do the products and / or where it is produced?
Italy, Hungary, Croatia, Tunisia, Turkey, India
is the general policy regarding child labor? The
own "Corporate Governance" - program guidelines the Code of Conduct for Listed Companies "adjusted. (B) In the Benetton "Code of Ethics" is not child labor erwähnt.Die Benetton group but has an international Magna Carta signed, regulating the principles for world trade in the textile sector. This includes the prohibition of child labor.
How To monitor compliance with the guidelines in the production?
n / a (wait for response from the company)
Are there allegations of child labor?
1998, there was a subcontractor of Benetton in Turkey a scandal, as had been employed in the operation of children. (A)
As the company has responded to the allegations?
There were checks from the Turkish Ministry of Labour and Ernst & Young, which disproved the allegations. In addition, Benetton has sued the reporter, who had published the allegations and get right. According to the court verdict (c) (d) Benetton has not known about the "phenomenon" in Turkey and was in no way involved in the alleged exploitation. To our knowledge, it is unclear whether suppliers that do not directly belong to Benetton, were involved.
Committed to the company outstanding in the social field?
Benetton committed to cultural, as in museums. Nothing found specific to children and work.
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ASICS sportswear
Where do the products and / or where it is produced?
Worldwide - no details
is the general policy regarding child labor?
"Corporative Policy of Engagement" in 1998. Asics has a code of conduct which commits itself to maintain law and to respect human rights. They are also joined in August 2005, the Fair Labor Association. (A)
How is compliance with the guidelines is controlled in the production?
Asics says on his website that they are about to switch to external controls. (A)
Are there allegations of child labor?
The ethics trial of the magazine "Consumer" Asics has only 3 reached 16 points, mainly due to the lack of cooperation. (B) In the test, it was not just about child labor, but a number of social criteria.
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ALBI orange and banana juice
Where do the products and / or where it is produced?
oranges from Brazil, bananas from Costa Rica.
is the general policy regarding child labor?
Albi is a member of the SGF (Secure, Global, Fair), a European industry association for fruit juices. Although it mainly deals with quality requirements, has SGF also a code of conduct that specifically prohibits child labor.
As monitors compliance with the guidelines in the production?
The SGF operates on the principle of self-control. But there are also 20 inspectors who check random basis companies and suppliers. The focus here is clearly the quality, compliance with the Code but is taken into account. According to information provided in this area builds SGF currently pending.
Are there allegations of child labor?
are in direct relation to the ALBI products we are not blaming bekannt.Insbesondere from Brazil but serious allegations of exploitative child labor Orange plantations have become known.
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Where do the products and / or where it is produced?
world, but detailed list is presented annually in the Social and Environmental Report published. This can always be found at:
As the general corporate policy regarding child labor?
According to the Code of Adidas may be no children under 15 years of age or school-age children, according to state law worked for them or a supplier. (A) In addition, Adidas is a member of the Fair Labor Association, which also child labor . Ban (B) How
compliance with the guidelines is controlled in the production? Duch
control is the internal team, "Social and Environmental Affairs (SEA), consisting of over thirty employees. Beyond the mere controls also should inform the team trained on site. (A) There are claims to and external controls by the Fair Labor Association (FLA), to the credibility and independence, however, specialized campaigns (m) (n) (o) and the Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC) express regularly concerns. The CCK also denies the effectiveness of controls, as well as the external inspectors are paid by Adidas. It also stresses CCK also that the FLA is internationally controversial, because the social standards are very low (f). Child labor is also prohibited under FLA.
Are there allegations of child labor?
There are several allegations (f), for example, that soccer balls are mostly made by children between the ages of 5-13 years (c) (d). Further allegations are in relation to the salaries, which are based for the most part to the legal minimum wages that were much too low. The workers of the suppliers therefore live largely in poverty (e). On demand (p) to the German Clean Clothes Campaign CCK currently there are no allegations of exploitative child labor in the apparel industry against adidas-Salomon is known, however, there remain allegations of low wages paid to the workers. If sufficient wages for full-time work is not to feed the family and the education and training to enable the children are often sent the children to work.
How has the company reacted to the allegations?
Adidas on the allegations contained in the "Black Book brand" companies are made, responded with a detailed opinion (g), as they point to its code of conduct and membership in the FLA. They also stress that the wages paid by them is twice as high as the state-required minimum wage. In response to the Publication of information on this website adidas-Salomon EarthLink is also claim to a detailed opinion (p) from and expresses the view that, in particular the assessment (originally "red") of the reaction of the company to allegations regarding child labor, is not correct: "A termination of business relationship, we consider as a last resort when other measures are successful, that is performed to eliminate the violations. Previously, we work in partnership with our suppliers and try to eliminate the basis of detailed action plans for the abuses. If the Board unreasonable and not ready to show to enforce the SOE (Standards of Engagement, Code of Conduct of the adidas Group), we take possible sanctions. This may be the temporary cessation or reduction of orders of the plant in question or, at worst, a resolution of manufacturers under contract. "It is difficult to evaluate this general statement, since we have no knowledge of the contents of the above measures plans. It would be interesting to know whether there are specific features of the adidas-Salomon to the affected children and was, and how these current allegations aussehen.Da us in concrete terms of adidas-Salomon products but are not known, we consider it appropriate to this criterion as "yellow" to evaluate.
Committed to the company outstanding in the social field?
(p) According to the adidas-Salomon AG has supported the company is a project in the regional environment of the football industry in Sialkot, Pakistan financially in order to increase awareness of the problem of child labor and children into local social welfare and training. Its management is in the hands of local non-governmental organization 'Sudhaar'. Sudhaar has concentrated its efforts to improve the quality of education at schools which are located in those villages where there is a high concentration of families, the stitching footballs. In this training program, which in February 1998 in partnership with the NGO 'Save the Children' England was established, there is a continuous Projekt.Gemäß the "ethics test for running shoes" where in June 2003 of the journal "consumer" has been carried out, ADIDAS best or "least bad" cut off. The company received 12 of 16 points. (H) (i) Adidas has also been involved in some local projects, such as in China, "For health and safety at work".
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Worldwide, international estimates about 300,000 child soldiers in action. They are often forcibly recruited into armies or rebel official organizations and are forced to fight. Child soldiers in many armed factions integral part of the military infrastructure.
child soldier in Africa photo: tdh
The recruitment of children and their military use is child abuse! In contrast, applies the "International Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers" , in the Terre des hommes is actively involved for years. The "Coalition" has become an international network set up.
An important milestone in the fight against the recruitment of children the Additional Protocol to UN Children's Convention commit in which the signatories not to recruit children and young people under 18. Equally important is the new International Criminal Court in The Hague , because those who recruited children under 15 years of age would be future convicted under the statute of the Court as a war criminal.
About 300,000 children are used as child soldiers worldwide. They are forced to fight or at least part of the military infrastructure.
Here are some examples of terre des hommes-project countries: Colombia
: 14,000 child soldiers in armed Opposition groups (FARC, ELN and others) and the paramilitary
Burma: 50,000 child soldiers in government forces and armed opposition groups
Angola: 7,000 child soldiers (for some time post-war situation)
India: number of child soldiers is unknown, use in government army and many opposition groups
Afghanistan: the number of child soldiers is unknown, but their use is probable
Philippines: unknown, use at paramilitaries and armed opposition groups
Indonesia: unknown, used as informants for government forces and armed opposition groups
(For details and country studies includes also "Global Report" the "International Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers").
causes and background of forced recruitment
Photo: tdh
Many children grow up in war and crisis zones. Your daily life is shaped by war, violence and destruction. The war aims are determined by adults. Child soldiers are - as all soldiers - the law of command and obedience. For these children, this means that you must obey, without calling to mind the question.
There are few child soldiers, have helped to fight for religious or political conviction. The large mass has other motives: fear of attack the enemy, fear of punishment and abuse by a war party. Another motive is the hope of protection, safety and supply. Not seldom plays a role that you can rob plunder by force of arms. Children also volunteer because they want revenge for the murder of his parents or family members.
for most wars, the longer a war lasts, the more children are being recruited. The more children are recruited, so the younger victims of this practice. It is not uncommon for the "race of the warring parties' at the (forced) recruitment of children. The recruitment of child soldiers is in some conflict and war zones as a tool for the repression of opposition groups and ethnic groups. In this case, children of political opponents and ethnic minorities are recruited by the military. Then they are placed in distant parts of the country without the parents of the whereabouts of their children aware of them. The development of light small arms will allow the warring parties to send young children already in armed conflicts.
The situation of child soldiers

on the child's needs of child soldiers is no consideration. The children are often beaten, abused and forced to commit atrocities. You have to kill other children, for example, if they wanted to flee. This treatment has only one purpose: intimidation, imposition of absolute obedience and apathy towards cruelty. The life of a soldier is hard: you have to carry heavy loads (weapons, wounded, food, household items, tents) over long distances. Food, clean water and other supplies (drugs) are scarce. Children who do not meet these requirements are to be harassed by their superiors or killed.
-girls and boys are part-by adult soldiers sexually abused. This risk results for the affected children, such as unwanted pregnancy in girls. Other hazards are Risk of infection as sexually transmitted diseases and HIV / AIDS.
children are regarded by superiors as "less valuable" soldiers, so they are often used in particularly dangerous areas of the front, such as spies, mine-laying and mine sweepers. Correspondingly high is the risk of being injured or killed.

child soldiers have often not received training or attended a school can therefore read or write. You learn so not even the necessary cultural techniques in order to live peacefully with each other in a civil society.
Former child soldiers in Germany as refugees
International International law is clear: child soldiers are victims of severe war crimes. Nevertheless, represents the Federal Office for the recognition of political refugees of the opinion that it is former child soldiers to deserters without political persecution. Reasons for flight, such as the recruitment of minors or the murder of his parents are not recognized as asylum-relevant. Former child soldiers in the German asylum procedure, therefore, little chance.
The German asylum law is in no way limited to the particular situation of this refugee group: Since these children are usually severely traumatized - added language difficulties - they need help and support. Alone, these refugee children unable to get through an asylum procedure successfully. Terre des hommes requested to include in the asylum process, the situation of children better.
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!!!!!! products are 100% not the result of child labor !!!!!!!
You too can do something against modern slavery!
You can for example be careful when shopping foodstuffs such as sugar, bananas or chocolate with the TransFair seal to kaufen.Das TransFair seal identifies products that are fair trade: trade companies in Europe pay farmers fair prices so that their children the field, but send them to school.

If you or your family you want to buy a new carpet, then proceed to the Rugmark Siegel.Seit 1995 you can buy in our carpets, which carry the so-called "Rugmark". The manufacturers of carpets with this label have agreed to, no children under 14 years of working with them to leave and to pay legal minimum wages.

All year round you can buy in our fresh roses, tulips and orchids. Normally, no worrying about where the come from actually. They are in Asia, Africa and Latin America (ie the America, is spoken in the Portuguese and English, namely, Central and South America) on huge plantations flowers grown. The working conditions there are often miserable. The pesticides that are in the air, harming the health and wages are extremely low. Here, too, are working children.

However, if you bought flowers with the so-called "Flower Label", can be certain: it's not a child had to work hard! The wages are fair, the workers' health was protected and extremely toxic pesticides are prohibited.

The Food can be purchased safely with this sign: The Society for the Promotion of partnership with the third world mbH (matched) enters into contracts with 140 partners in Latin America, Africa and Asia to act fairly stable prices.
There are also many global organizations that are advocating against the contemporary forms of slavery.
organizations that are strongly against modern slavery make
The children's charity Terre des Hommes "
The English organization" Anti-Slavery International "
Amnesty International
The French organization" sans papiers "with their motto is" No man illegal! "
The Campaign for clean clothes is "a fairer working conditions in the textile industry.
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debt bondage (interest slavery)
A so called debtor owes another money. He can pay his debts and works from reason. The problem: The salary he gets is so low that he can hardly live like this of course is the intention of him to whom something is due.. The other can thus pay off his debts, of course, never Often, this goes so far that even the children of the debtor must continue to work for another. This is called debt bondage for generations. The United Nations assume that the world of this modern form of slavery more than 20 million people are affected. Just for comparison: That would be about one in four in Germany
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child labor
Actually, it's prohibited by the UN Human Rights Convention in 1948, children work to . let For many, this is not a Hindernis.Weltweit have around 100 to 250 million working children. You are just 15 years old or even younger. That's about one in six children on the Welt.So as many children work in these countries or regions:
15 million in Bangladesh
44 million in India
60 million in Latin America
20 million in Brazil
eleven million in Mexico
800 000 Colombia
a million in Guatemala
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The word says it already themselves are still people like goods sold. World are traded annually more than 1.2 million children. Actually, the human beings is forbidden for some time. But the traffickers does not seem to interfere. Nevertheless, one can make money.
A special form of slavery is the trafficking of girls and women who work almost anywhere in the world for charitable services in night clubs have. Many of these girls were kidnapped or lured with false promises
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