shrimp cocktail at the expense of children and the environment
A third of the shrimp consumed worldwide comes from industrial farms. First, they cause an enormous environmental impact, because it destroys natural mangrove forests, and pesticides and antibiotics into the sea, which then in the food chain and finally accumulate in the human body. Second, they mainly deal with children who will serve as a cheap and docile labor werden.Als serve as Cambodia - one of the poorest countries in the world: Sort of a breeding farm, the children clean the shrimp, and free them from the skins, giving them their smaller fingers is easier than adults - so at least the reasoning on the part of owners. The work will be paid according to weight, with the children for a pound of peeled shrimp earn 200 riel, or 50 percent of the wage of an Erwachsenen.Die children work up to 14 hours, they often get cuts or eczema. Since the whole day in the salt water, are swollen hands and feet at. The children go to any school.
A 14-year-old girl said: "My parents are fishermen I work in the farm, because we have at home is not enough food for my three younger siblings who do not work in the month I earn about $ 40 I often cut my... in the fingers and my hands swell. " Interesting Links
said: http://www.thinkshrimp.de/ ThinkShrimp! - The environmental and social impacts of shrimp production

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