
As in other agricultural areas, is also in the tobacco industry, the child labor issue. There is for example in Brazil, India, Malawi and Zimbabwe reports of exploitative employment of Kindern.Anstatt in school reading, arithmetic, writing to learn and behave in their leisure time as a child to be able, many children have to work hard on tobacco fields. Primarily working in the agricultural sector is extremely dangerous for children. Youth tobacco pickers suffer more often from the so-called Green-tobacco sickness. Symptoms such as dizziness, nausea and skin irritation are typical. The disease can occur when skin comes into contact with wet tobacco leaves and with the emerging nicotine comes into contact. Children in particular are therefore at risk because their young bodies are still not enough defenses besitzt.Die tobacco plants are often sprayed with poisonous pesticides to combat pests. Contact with These substances can also cause serious health consequences, as people usually can not afford protective clothing. This will also connect children to tobacco fields in direct contact with chemical weed exterminators. System as there is a direct health threat. In addition to these negative health effects of the labor of children is being exploited cheap. Although children must provide the same work as adults, they usually get for only half of normal earnings. Interesting Links
said: site with critical links to the tobacco "incense" - The deadly strategies of the tobacco multinationals - Paper on tobacco industry in Africa cigarette manufacturer Philip Morris on child labor in tobacco growing foundation of the tobacco industry against child labor (in English)
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