hair loss
DHS Konfilktinhalt: separation conflict was stroked in which someone at the appropriate place and this is no longer the case now
Example: death of the grandmother, which the grandchildren always head stroked
ca-phase: hair loss, loss of sensitivity (hypo sensitivity)
pcl-phase redness, swelling of the scalp, hyperesthesia, and thus itching, dandruff, hair regrowth
cotyledon: ectoderm
table: re 11 Ra, 11 Ra li
Bloody effusion
share of the cellular components of blood in the total
formation of blood
presence of erythrocytes in urine
Dr. Hamer
born in 1935, grew Hamer in Friesland. After medical and
theology degree, he worked in hospitals and as a practicing physician.
1972, he earned a specialist in internal medicine and worked as an internist at the University
Tübingen. Here he had many years dealing with cancer patients.
Besides Dr. Hamer was still active as an inventor. He is in possession of various medical
patents, such as a scalpel, which allows plastic surgery without
bleeding conduct.
in 1978, Dr. Hamer's son Dirk in Corsica shot. After a leg amputation
and 19 other operations Dirk died 3 months later at the University Hospital of Heidelberg
. This incident changed the life of Dr. Hamer. Shortly after the death of his son fell ill
Dr. Hamer with testicular cancer.
From 1981 he worked as senior consultant in the University Clinic of Munich belonging
cancer clinic. There, it occurred to him whether his illness might be associated
with the death of his son. He asked all cancer patients after
may existing shock experiences they had had just before the start of their illness
and was invariably find.
When he wanted to make his findings in October 1981, the subject of discussion in medical
the clinic, he was of the hospital management faced with the alternative,
either renounce or leave the clinic.
He left the hospital after being in his remaining time in day and night work
explored all the data of all cancer patients and recorded the results and
far, he's in over 30,000 cases reviewed his findings and in all cases as
felt right.
Hamersche herd
See: HH
wrist complaints
DHS Conflict Contents: SWE, a situation not in the control centers
ca-phase: osteolysis in this area
pcl-phase edema and stretching of the periosteum, pain, recalcification, leukemia,
rheumatoid arthritis (SM often = arthritis)
The recalcification corresponds to the SM - diagnosis: osteo- sarcoma
cotyledon: mesoderm
table: re 7 Ob, 7 Ob li
See also: SWE
Haph -
syllable, meaning "touch"
Hapt -
syllable, meaning "touch"
urethral closure
stress incontinence
DHS Conflict content: can not mark your territory
ca-phase:: territorial marking conflict
example spasm and Ulcusbildung
pcl-phase healing with swelling, remedy: Bladder catheter to reduce swelling
cotyledon: ectoderm
Table: 7 Ra re, 7 Ra li
See: syndrome
skin cancer
See: Melanoma
skin fungus
hematuria (o) -
syllable, meaning "blood"
The red pigment in the blood
See: Lung cancer
healing phase of a rectal cancer. If necessary decongestant action, otherwise
unproblematic healing.
See: rectal cancer, gastric ulcer
agents that are used for local hemostasis
Handedness, so if anyone left or right handed, is important in the New Medicine
to know because some conflicts turn at different handedness on
brain regions, and then each can affect another body. Only in the
institutions controlled by the brain stem plays no role handedness. is
side of handedness and the sex, whether male or female, important to
determination of the appropriate area of the brain and body.
are equally significant hormonal changes: pill, age (menopause),
ovarian irradiation, hormones, etc.
Location hormone is only when looking at the conflicts and order of
impacts in the cerebral cortex of importance.
The mother / child and partner sites do not change, however. The last a lifetime, as
they are.
but another area of the brain is hit, (the so-called Hamersche Herd, HH; see above), then
starting another body to be affected by it.
Handedness can be tested with different simple tests, such as gossip test
(which hand is the applauding top = handedness).
area fear or fright fear conflict, depending on the handedness and gender.
syllable with the Meaning "half"
eg: "Hemisphere" = hemisphere
DHS Conflict Contents: spot trouble
example The borders with neighboring districts are injured, so that the "neighbor Chef"
can make attacks. Often dispute over money.
pcl-phase hepatitis with hepatitis A and B viruses, or without (non A non B hepatitis), risk
of hepatic coma immediately after Medical history, which is actually brain coma.
therapy: continuous glucose feeding, only in emergencies and in combination with area of conflict (see heart attack) cortisone.
cotyledon: ectoderm
feature: if DHS Conflict Contents: Verhungerungsangst, angst
then: is hepatitis a possible form of the healing phase of a liver-specimen-carcinoma
(liver solitaire-Ca)
table: re 5 Ra
Hepat (o) -
syllable, meaning "liver"
See: intrahepatic Gallengangsulcera
down transforming
The so-called down-transforming a conflict become especially important if the
conflict due to long duration or high intensity can not be solved should, as
a very violent cure or even a fatal outcome must be expected.
is transformed down a conflict, can the individual to also be very old.
ie shutting transform a conflict that the conflict is not dissolved
, but for the individual but becomes less important / decreases. The conflict remains
more weakly active.
The therapist must assess the problem of when a conflict resolution, and when a better
displayed down transforming the conflict is.
See also: Conflict resolution, constellation
heart Close
angina pectoris
See: heart attack
heart attack
angina pectoris
DHS Conflict Contents: area of conflict, loss of conflict area (male), sexual conflict of
" non-mated-becoming" (woman), partly observed constellations!
Right-handed woman first Conflict - sexual conflict of the "non-becoming-mated" (cervical / oral cancer, ulcers while in the coronary veins), epileptic
crisis after 1 Conflict: Pulmonary embolism = acute right heart failure with
right heart attacks,
second Conflict - conflict area (coronary-ulcer carcinoma); epileptic crisis after the second
conflict, so only in combination: Left heart attack
Left-handed woman first Conflict - sexual conflict (coronary-ulcer carcinoma)
epileptic crisis after 1 Conflict: Left heart attack,
second Conflict would again female side of the brain, because male closed, as further
sexual conflict (cervical / neck cancer and coronary veins, ulcers, cancer),
epileptic crisis after the second Conflict: Legal myocardial infarction (pulmonary embolism)
right-handed man first Conflict - conflict area, (coronary-ulcer carcinoma)
epileptic crisis after 1 Conflict: Left heart attack,
second Conflict would have on female brain, because male closed, for example, epileptic sexual
conflict (seminal vesicles, ulcer-cancer and coronary veins, ulcers, cancer),
crisis after the second Conflict: Legal heart attack
Left-handed man first Conflict - conflict area (seminal vesicles, ulcers and cancer
coronary veins, ulcer-carcinoma), epileptic crisis after 1 Conflict: Legal heart attack,
second Conflict - conflict area (coronary-ulcer carcinoma) epileptic crisis after the second
conflict, so only in combination: Left heart attack
Note: In addition to the handedness of the hormonal status influencing the side of the brain, in
which takes place the impact. Refer to handedness.
example The spot, or a substantial part of the district is lost. Area
be: company, job, home, car, the woman who runs away, etc. (Mann,
coalfield conflict)
woman caught her husband in flagrante delicto with his mistress (wife, sexual conflict)
ca-phase: heart stings, angina pectoris
pcl-phase angina pectoris , heart attack
cotyledon: ectoderm
Special: Heart attack is usually only noticed when duration of the ca-phase
size 3-4 months. If the period is threatening conflict with average strength but about 9 months,
in the Medical history is a risk of fatal heart attack.
table: re 3 Ra, See 3 Ra li
also: Cervical cancer, sudden cardiac death
endocardium inflammation
DHS Conflict Contents: SWE on the Herzleisungsfähigkeit
ca-phase: Herzinnenwandnekrosen, Herzklappennekrosen
pcl-phase heart inner skin inflammation, heart wall calluses Heart valve disorders
cotyledon: mesoderm
See: heart inner skin inflammation
chest pain
angina pectoris
See: heart attack
hetero -
syllable, meaning "the other"
HH = Hamersche herd
Each brain relay has a specific assignment to an institution, and the post at this
site also shows that reference. Dr. Hamer has a topography of Hamer's herd
created the brain.
, a single HH, several of the relay, including several organs involved (several
conflict strikes at the same moment). Where the HH is based is, again by the
conflict content DHS determined.
Hamersche The stove is both in the ca-phase, as in the PCL phase in a
computerized tomography (CT) are visible. In the ca-phase as a "target configuration" of
the SM as a "ring artifacts" misinterpreted. In the PCL phase as edema, in the SM often
Brain misinterpreted.
The edema caused by cells storage, are used to repair the
HH, so that the disturbed area of the brain is after healing fully functional again.
Except for syndrome (a refugee simultaneously active conflict during healing
of another conflict), here is stored additional water.
With increasing conflict, is also growing HH, and the correlating
strides forward action on the organ. In the ca-phase growing target configuration in which
pcl phase of the HH is growing by edema. (Storage cells).
glioblastoma brain tumors, etc., are not so, but the condition of HH in the
healing phase.
At the end of the healing phase the so-called Phase Pinkel (increased
urinating), which the edema is excreted. make
In order to HH in the corresponding hardware phase optimally visible, in the CT absorption
some things to consider. (To be completed)
See also go to about: DHS, SBS, ca-phase, pcl-phase, epileptic crisis
cerebral hemorrhage
What a "brain tumor" is called a Bindegewebseinlagerung (glia) in the
healing phase is to resolve conflicts.
See: HH
Excessive body hair
See: Cushing's syndrome
tissue hormone
syllable, meaning "equal"
Homoio -
syllable, meaning "similar"
The desire for stabilization of certain physical parameters.
corneal opacity
See: astigmatism
DHS Conflict Contents: "strong, visual separation conflict," or "lose sight", "do not see
may so"
(From 'Bug'): A young child must experience how the best friend moves unannounced
and has no way to find them again.
(From Patrick): A father abused his child, the child integrates this misconduct but
not in the contemplation of the person of the Father. The father may or may not be seen
as he really is, with all its good and bad sides.
ca-phase: corneal ulcer
pcl-phase healing with swelling, thereby curvature
cotyledon: ectoderm
table: 12 Ra re , 12 Ra li
sudden deafness
See: Tinnistus
See: bronchitis, pneumonia, lung cancer, bronchial cancer, bronchial goblet cells of the bronchial tubes, asthma, cystic fibrosis
hip complaints
DHS Conflict Contents: SWE, "something can not get through "
example teacher is afraid of being attacked in an unpleasant conversation with parents of these
, and the fear that they do not, their conviction
'll be able to stand, but will knuckle (on hip, something not available
ca-phase: osteolysis
pcl-phase recalcification, pain in the hip joints (edema and stretching of the
periosteum), leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis (SM often = arthritis ).
cotyledon: New mesoderm
Table: 7 Whether re, 7 Ob li
Hydr (o) -
syllable, meaning "water "
fear of water
syllable, meaning" about "
See: thyroid dysfunction
See: blood pressure, high
syllable, meaning "under"
See: Diabetes
hypoglycemic shock
See: Diabetes
pituitary tumor
DHS Conflict Contents: A) the chunks do not get to grasp, because the individual is too small is
or: B not feed) conflict of the child or the family can
Example: B) husband is unemployed and does not find new jobs, less money is available to
, he indulges in yet continue his now unadäquat expensive hobbies, and
budget enough money for food, therefore, hardly. (Conflict then participated in the
wife / mother who takes advantage of the nutrition concerns of the family).
ca-phase: A) pituitary growth hormone secretion, a result, growth in
children, acromegaly in adults
B) pituitary tumor with increased Prolaktinausschüttung, Episode: increased
milk production
pcl-phase removal of the tumor (caseation) by fungi or bacteria, fungus
See definition of: brain tumor, brain tumor.
table: 43 Ga li
See: thyroid dysfunction
Hyster -
syllable, meaning "womb"
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