ca-phase = conflict-active phase
The ca-phase begins immediately with the DHS. It is characterized by "long-term stress,"
cold hands and feet, loss of appetite, thoughts constantly revolve around the conflict
growing tumors, necrosis progresses, depending on the type of conflict it is
With the entry of the solution end the ca-phase and the PCL phase begins (conflict solved
See also: pcl-phase, epileptic crisis, SBS, DHS
See: skull pain, SWE
also "cancer".
See: Cancer
cranial computed tomography
The cerebrum on
Cerebrum The cerebrum
syllable, meaning "neck"
the neck on
word meaning "neck".
example, cervix uteri = cervical
insufficiency or decreased tension of a sphincter
syllable, meaning " edge, lip "
optic chiasm
intersection of the optic nerve behind the anterior cranial fossa and above the pituitary gland.
change website the fibers of the nasal retinal halves to the opposite (contralateral)
optic tract, while moving on the fibers of the outer (temporal) retina halves on the same
chemotherapy (for cancer)
term from the SM.
term "chemotherapy" means in relation to the treatment of so-called
cancer, the administration of so-called "cytostatic agents". This drug class
prevents cell division. Thus can no longer multiply the cells. This is
be achieved by so-called cancer cells do not multiply further.
The chemotherapy, however, all other body cells from dividing
be prevented, which is particularly in rapidly growing tissues such as mucous membranes and hair
because the application can not be confined to the tumor tissue.
The application of chemotherapy creates the image of the typical cancer patient. " The growth-inhibiting effect of such cytotoxic agents are in relation to the
cancer growth is very controversial.
From the perspective of the "NM after Dr. Hamer:
According to the NM Un-/Wirksamkeit of cytostasis is due to the fact that
chemotherapy (up vegetative tonus) in principle contribute sympathicoton and
cerebral-controlled institutions, including only just vagotonia (Parasympathicotonie) cell multiplication
swelling . Make
logically stop at the cerebrum-controlled institutions, in the growth
old brain-gesteurte institutions have in turn cell multiplication, especially in the Sympathicotonie,
so the chemo caused still more here, an increased cell growth, which of course is not
noticed because it is believed anyway rapid growth.
According to Dr. Hamer are most of the cancers diagnosed cerebral
events as occur here increased symptoms. (Tone)
But as soon as "metastasis" is established, ie according NM subsequent conflicts "which are very often
old brain-event, as it worsened by archaic conflicts (fear of death, Verhungerungsangst etc.), the chance of significant, as these cancers even grow under
chemotherapy rather faster.
(...) According to the Spiegel report, the effectiveness of chemotherapy in particular prostate, breast
and intestinal tumors very low, all endodermal (old brain) are happening.
syllable , meaning "hand"
Chol (e) -
syllable, meaning "bile"
Bile means
occurrence of gallstones
gall stone fragmentation
drugs that stimulate the release of bile by the liver
Surgical removal of the gallbladder
mode of action of chemical substances comparable to that of acetylcholine, or
nervous system where acetylcholine acts as a transmitter substance.
chondrules (o) -
syllable, meaning "cartilage"
term from the SM.
significance of cartilage tissues outgoing cancer.
DHS Conflict Contents: specific self-devaluation
ca-phase: Gewebsabbau by necrosis (chondrolysis)
pcl-phase reconstruction under swelling
cotyledon: New mesoderm
HH: in the cerebral white matter
table: re 3 Ob, 3 Whether li
See: SWE
snail-shaped hearing organ ectoderm
Col (o) -
syllable with the meaning "large intestine"
ascending colon
Ascending colon
Colon descending
Descending colon
transverse colon
transverse colon
colon carcinoma
See: colon ca, colon TB
compressio Cerebri
brain contusion due to injury, bleeding or cerebral edema
Conn's syndrome
SM diagnosis: increased production of aldosterone by a glandular tumor of
adrenal cortex. Other symptoms: high blood pressure, potassium deficiency, Harnflut.
may be cause for New Medicine:
See: Cushing's syndrome
cornea of the eye, ectoderm
Cortisone belongs to the group of glucocorticoids (sugar hormones) because they are able to increase
blood sugar levels. The name of cortisone was the first in the
adrenal cortex of man found given drug. It is derived from Cortex =
cortisone is only the precursor to the actual hormone cortisol and is used only as a lay
slogan for corticosteroids in general.
Synthetic cortisone variants include the prednisolone, methylprednisolone, betamethasone, dexamethasone, triamcinolone, paramethasone & fludrocortisone. A dehydrated variant of cortisone is the prednisone, about four times the effect of the cortisone effect is similar.
cortisone, according to Dr. Hamer is one of the group of Sympathicotonica which increases the stress.
It works "inflammatory" and stops tissue swelling, by interrupting the pcl phase
, or reducing it.
cortisone is used, inter alia, to reduce the repair and healing phase, the cerebral edema to
, if excessive swelling can be expected complication.
A special application is possible to cope with the epileptic or
healing crisis.
doses used in time and properly, affects the stress-enhancing steroids, the depth
the healing phase. C. The controls against vagotonia (patients obtained in time from
the basement) and the Epi-crisis helps to mitigate.
Oops! In syndrome, the use of cortisone called paradoxical effect because it increases the
conflict-active phase of the renal collecting duct and therefore the SBS
water storage. As a second conflict in solution and the corresponding brain ödematisiert relay in the repair phase, this can lead to a particularly threatening swelling of the brain. Similarly, the organ, eg liver swelling.
cortisone is used in the new medicine to relieve life-threatening symptoms.
It brings the edema in the brain for swelling, thus reducing the organic
symptoms, however, prevented a full recovery.
The administration should always be done under the guidance and supervision of an experienced therapist
! No Selbstmedikamentation!
Important: cortisone one can not settle on a blow, but it should be "tapering off" within
few days or few weeks.
See also: Epileptic crisis
word meaning "the rib on"
Cushing's syndrome
DHS Conflict content: the conflict off the track being taken the wrong way
or backed the wrong horse to have
ca-phase: Nebennierenrindennekrose, decreased cortisol secretion, thus "stressed
fatigue," Waterhouse Friedrichsen syndrome, Addison's disease
(adrenocortical insufficiency)
pcl phase: filling the necrosis, to fist-sized adrenal cyst, Indurieren the
cyst and excessive production of cortisol, increased aldosterone production, hirsutism, Cushing syndrome
cotyledon: mesoderm, cerebral hemisphere
table: re 11 Ob, 11 Whether li
syllable, meaning "skin"
The skin on
the skin.
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