Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Women Who Like To Masterbate In Front Of Men



In the absence of conflict resolution, and the patient stays for a long time in high conflictual

(no down-Transform the conflict mass), so Dauersympathicotonie in the ca-

phase, it may eventually die from exhaustion and wasting (cachexia in so-called

cancer patients).

Cold node

See: thyroid dysfunction


term from the SM. Meaning: Carcinogenic

used synonym: carcinogen

Note: The carcinogenic and mutagenic terms are synonymous, although not officially

used, but occasional fluctuations in the application.

For example, a chemical used by a manufacturer as a "mutagen" is classified, be classified

from another manufacturer as "carcinogenic". Or even as "toxic".

example, ethidium bromide. See the package inserts of different manufacturers.

Kard -

syllable, meaning "heart"


DHS Conflict Contents: conflict of not bite being allowed


ca-phase: caries, hyperesthesia and pain

pcl-phase rebuilding the tooth enamel

cotyledon: ectoderm

table: 15, Ra Ra, 15 Ra li


See: carcinogenic


Blähungsmindernde means


See: Cancer


See: Star, gray

laryngeal cancer

district anxiety or fear of conflict checks, according to handedness and gender,

see description under: Asthma


regarding. Assignment and the course will be assigned in the new medicine, the institutions

evolutionarily significant cotyledons.

is evolutionary terms to each germ layer is a specific part of the brain. Moreover

can be seen from the cotyledon belonging already to the disease "art" to close the PCL

phase active expectant microbe and on the conflict content and the biological

deeper meaning (SBS).

* Inner cotyledon - endoderm

to the brain stem associated

The inner germ layer affects the internal organs as follows: stomach, intestine, liver, lung, prostate,

and parts of the uterus, kidneys, adrenal glands and all.

Conflict content is very archaic, eg existence of conflict, fear of death conflict

indigestible chunks of conflict.

ca-phase and multi-function Gewebsaufbau

pcl-phase Gewebsabbau with mycobacteria or encapsulation.

* Average cotyledon - mesoderm (cerebellum)

assigned to the cerebellum

The cerebellum-mesoderm affects gland-like skins, such as: leather skin (dermis), lung, skin

( pleura), abdominal membrane (peritoneum), pericardial sac (pericardium).

The conflict is content: Attack-conflict or conflict-defilement

ca-phase: Gewebsaufbau and multi-function

pcl-phase Gewebsabbau by mycobacteria or Vekapselung.

* Average cotyledon - mesoderm (cerebral medulla)

assigned to the cerebral white matter

The cerebral mesoderm affects connective and supportive tissues such as bone, cartilage, tendons.

But muscle, adipose tissue and the lymphatic system. Similarly, among the

adrenal cortex, renal and parts of the gonads to cerebral mesoderm.

conflict contents are self-dips, details in the scientific table.

ca-phase: Gewebsabbau, necrosis

pcl-phase reconstruction with the aid of bacteria. Excessive healing.

* Outer cotyledon - ectoderm

associated with the cerebral cortex

The outer germ layer affects many different organs, such as: the sense organs, the intima

and coronary arteries - veins, Auskleidungsepithelien of liver-pancreas-bile ducts, parts

the gastric mucosa, the rectal mucosa. The sensitivity of the bone skin (periosteum) that

outer skin, tooth enamel, motor skills, and some more.

Conflict content: the conflicts that have to do with dealing with others, such as:

district conflicts, separation conflicts, motor conflict.

ca-phase: Gewebsabbau and / or loss of function. In addition, pain sensitivity

(hyperesthesia) in tissues of the "inner-skin-schema" (Kiemenbogenabkömmlinge)

deafness in tissues of the "outer-skin-schema".

pcl-phase Gewebswiederaufbau under swelling, restoration of function.

sensitivity inversely with the ca-phase.

kephale -

syllable, meaning "head"



child in conflict mapping purposes of the new medicine, a person who is hierarchically under the

own person and in need of protection. Can also available for pets, the elderly, etc. are perceived

. Synonymous with native mapping.

contrary Partner


forced to steal




bone marrow or contrast

knee pain

DHS Conflict Contents: SWE of sportsmanship


ca-phase: osteolysis in this area

pcl-phase edema and stretching of the skin, bone, pain, recalcification, Leukemia,

rheumatoid arthritis (SM = arthritis)

The recalcification corresponds to the SM - diagnosis: osteo-sarcoma

cotyledon: mesoderm

table: re 7 Ob, 7 Ob li

See also: SWE

bone cancer

DHS Conflict Contents: SWE, see the various assignments, such as knee,

back etc.


ca-phase: osteolysis in this area, anemia

pcl-phase edema and stretching of the periosteum, pain, recalcification, leukemia,

rheumatoid arthritis (SM often = arthritis)

The recalcification corresponds to the SM - diagnosis: osteo-sarcoma

cotyledon: mesoderm

table: re 7 Ob, 7 Ob li See

also: SWE

bone loss

See: no osteolysis


clotting of the blood


state of arousal of consciousness

conflict resolution

If the program so to speak, only by supporting rails (odor, color, fabrics, etc.)

is triggered, the actual content of conflict but does not play a real role more then enough

, in principle, is clearly to be informed of this fact and whoosh, it is always with the

again by recurrent SBS.

more complicated is when the conflict as such content has still a danger, because at present or always present, represents. Then you must try to avoid the rails to the actual content of conflict as an event. An unqualified success successful one, if you build, not banned, despite the danger, a kind of Tranquility / casualness' against the original content can conflict. So, as it were a touch on the problem can no longer, even if it is still present or in this one can come inside again. Then you have certainly achieved a black belt.

See also: Shutting Transform, rail, mass conflict, constellation

conflict mass

Conflict mass can be calculated from the product of conflict intensity and conflict duration.

located in constellation, however, built up little ground conflict.

When the old brain-driven conflicts, the conflict mass proportional to tumor size.

Conflict mass can possibly be reduced by baths (See further details under the

Keywords syndrome).

See also: Conflict resolution, shut Transform, constellation, rail

conflict assignments (of course not complete, but is constantly supplemented)

fear in the neck conflicts - see Glaucoma

Besudelungskonflikt - see Lupus, facial eczema

chunks conflicts - see palate carcinoma, pituitary tumor, stomach cancer,

thyroid dysfunction, Bronchial goblet cells of the bronchi

refugee conflict - see gout syndrome

frontal fear conflict - see migraine

want to be seen or not want to be seen - see

lacrimal gland duct inflammation

Ugly, semi-genital conflict - see fallopian tube cancer, prostate cancer

Ugly, indigestible anger - see Appendicitis

identity conflict - see stomach ulcer

Conflict of the family / child support can not - see pituitary tumor

einvernehmen light lumps or do not want agreement - see


Ohnmächtigkeitskonflikt - see the thyroid dysfunction

area fear - see Asthma

spot trouble - see stomach ulcer

area of conflict, loss of conflict area - see heart attack

territorial marking conflict - see stress incontinence, urethral closure

fright fear - see Asthma

Sexual conflict - see heart attack, uterine cancer (Unterpunkte!)

stinky conflict - see rhinitis, sinusitis

SWE (self, value conflicts) - see gout, varicose veins, phlebitis, fibroids

hip problems, wrist problems, ankle pain, knee pain,

shoulder pain, neck pain, pubic pain, skull pain

back pain, arthritis, lupus

separation conflicts - see conjunctivitis, chicken pox, lupus, atopic dermatitis,

soft tissue rheumatism, Alzheimer

loss conflict - see ovarian cancer, uterine cancer

Distorted Perception - see astigmatism


See: conjunctivitis

constellation mythomane / Mythodepressive

located constellation schizophrenic constellation

If two SBS take place simultaneously, are active, and the HH in both the right and

in the left brain, one is in a schizophrenic constellation.

That is, there are either two DHS, one each in the right and left in the

brain, taken, or a DHS has caused several conflicts in

two brain halves each one HH have caused.

there is a constellation is little or no conflict mass continued to build until

one of the conflict is solved again. So at least the solution of the second conflict

is low-risk, since the beginning of constellation. However, it should also soon be the first conflict

be solved, because this is starting to build once again in conflict mass. Moreover, the

existing conflict of the first mass occurrence of conflict at the 2nd DHS to consider.

Some constellations lead to mental or even mental illness. If one of the

resolved conflicts, for example, is currently fixed a depression.

It should be noted that the dissolved conflict now in the healing phase occurs while the

unresolved as of this point in time based mass conflict. It is strongly advised not solve a

constellation without therapeutic assistance, as life-threatening

complications can occur.

See also: Conflict resolution, down transforming



See: cortisone





DHS Conflict Contents: SWE, leg veins = pad-on-leg-conflict

Example: After birth, the mother always the child around, and sees it as a block

leg (varicose veins on leg).

ca-phase: cramp border veins, varicose veins. visible at a number of conflict recurrence.


pcl-phase enlargement, thickening of veins, called varices. Phlebitis (= healing

the damaged vein wall)

cotyledon: New mesoderm

table: re 13 Ob, 13 Whether li

crane -

syllable, meaning "head"



is important to know that in the new medicine does not distinguish between benign and malignant tumors

are distinguished. The word cancer is used here in general the action on

the organ level. What is not "cancer" in the traditional sense, is "equivalent of cancer." It

are you meant by "cancer" in the NM all so-called diseases.

same is true with the word "cancer" in the New Medicine.

This is not the "malignant growth" meant, as used in medical debt


See also: benign, malignant, metastasis


See: thyroid dysfunction


DHS Conflict Contents: fear-in-neck conflict, a danger which threatens from behind


ca-phase: Loss of vision in a particular retinal area

pcl-phase retinal detachment by edema between sclera and retina

by recurrent relapses visual extension of the eyeball and thus short-sightedness.

cotyledon: ectoderm

table: Re 6 Rb, 6 Rb li



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